WinLoG Examples

Below are thumbnails showing some of the types of logs that can be created with WinLoG. Click on a thumbnail to download the full PDF.


Shows a dual piezometer well log with aboveground cover   Shows a dual piezometer well log with aboveground cover. Shows a boring log with a dual VOC and LEL graph  Shows a boring log with a dual VOC and LEL graph. Shows a monitoring well log with a dual VOC and LEL graph  Shows a monitoring well log with a dual VOC and LEL graph.
Shows a boring log with 3 graphs  Shows a boring log with 3 graphs. Shows a borehole log with multiple sample columns  Shows a borehole log with multiple sample columns. Shows a well log with water content, Pocket Penetrometer, and SPT graphs Shows a well log with water content, Pocket Penetrometer, and SPT graphs.
Shows a well log with a location map  Shows a well log with a location map.        


Shows a dual piezometer well log with aboveground cover  Shows a dual piezometer well log with aboveground cover. Shows a boring log with a dual VOC and LEL graph  Shows a boring log with a dual VOC and LEL graph. Shows a borehole core log  Shows a borehole core log.
Shows a boring log with sloped contact angles and graphs for RQD, Core Recovery and Dip Angles  Shows a boring log with sloped contact angles and graphs for RQD, Core Recovery and Dip Angles. Shows a borehole log with multiple sample columns  Shows a borehole log with multiple sample columns. Shows a well log with water content, Pocket Penetrometer, and SPT graphs Shows a well log with water content, Pocket Penetrometer, and SPT graphs.
Shows a well log with a location map  Shows a well log with a location map. Shows a core log with a core photo Shows a core log with a core photo. Shows a borehole log using sample descriptors Shows a borehole log using sample descriptors.


Shows a boring log with sloped contact angles and graphs for RQD, Core Recovery and Dip Angles  Shows a boring log with sloped contact angles and graphs for RQD, Core Recovery and Dip Angles. Shows a boring log with the spectral resistivity logs  Shows a boring log with the spectral resistivity logs. Shows a borehole log with lithology and resistivity cross-plotted  Shows a borehole log with lithology and resistivity cross-plotted.
Shows a borehole log with lithology and gamma cross-plotted Shows a borehole log with lithology and gamma cross-plotted. Shows a boring log with multiple elements graphed Shows a boring log with multiple elements graphed. Shows a well log with water content, Pocket Penetrometer, and SPT graphs Shows a well log with water content, Pocket Penetrometer, and SPT graphs.
Shows a well log with a location map  Shows a well log with a location map. Shows a core log with a core photo

Shows a core log with a core photo. Shows a borehole log with a spectral analysis and gamma cross-plotted Shows a borehole log with a spectral analysis and gamma cross-plotted.

Oil and Gas

Shows a well log with percent cuttings, constituents, oil staining, fossils, and grain size percentage Shows a well log with percent cuttings, constituents, oil staining, fossils, and grain size percentage. Shows a boring log with the spectral resistivity logs  Shows a boring log with the spectral resistivity logs. Shows a borehole log with lithology and resistivity cross-plotted  Shows a borehole log with lithology and resistivity cross-plotted.
Shows a borehole log with lithology and gamma cross-plotted Shows a borehole log with lithology and gamma cross-plotted. Shows a boring log with multiple elements graphed Shows a boring log with multiple elements graphed. Shows a well log with 3 geophysical logs  Shows a well log with 3 geophysical logs.
Shows a composite well log with drilling data, geophysical logs and legends  Shows a composite well log with drilling data, geophysical logs and legends. Shows a core log with a core photo

Shows a core log with a core photo. Shows a borehole log with a spectral analysis and gamma cross-plotted Shows a borehole log with a spectral analysis and gamma cross-plotted.

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